STEM Activities

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Launch It!

Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a target at least 5 feet away. 

Make a Mechanical Hand

Students create a mechanical hand that mimics the bending and straightening of their own fingers and thumb.

Strongest Shapes

Students experiment with different shapes as they build a bridge out of index cards that will support a small object.

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Spaceship to Mars

Construct a model of a framework for a spaceship to Mars.

Space Fitness

Create an exercise machine that keeps you fit in outer space!

Squishy Circuits

Create a play dough creature with eyes that light up.

Sorting Solutions

How can you quickly and easily sort pasta by size and shape?

Slender Tower Challenge

Build the tallest tower you can with the smallest footprint possible.

Rubber Band Rovers (Fab Lab)

Design and build a rubber band-powered rover and test it to see how far it goes.

Rocket Challenge

Make an Alka-Seltzer rocket and launch it to hit a target.

Build a Plankton Net

Design and build a net to collect plankton, and test it out by collecting glitter.

Pipe Maze

Design a leak-proof system of pipes to bring water to the right place.

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