STEM Activities

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Launch It!

Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a target at least 5 feet away. 

Make a Mechanical Hand

Students create a mechanical hand that mimics the bending and straightening of their own fingers and thumb.

Strongest Shapes

Students experiment with different shapes as they build a bridge out of index cards that will support a small object.

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Grade 6 Lesson: Desert Island Desalination

Students are challenged to create a source of freshwater using only the resources available to them.

Grade 5 Lesson: Take Out the Trash: Cleaning Our Rivers

Students build various devices out of recycled materials to capture plastic in a pool.

Grade 4 Lesson: Wind-powered LED

Students will test blade designs on a windmill and see if it can light an LED light bulb.

Grade 3 Lesson: Maglev Train

Students use magnets to magnetically levitate a train over tracks.

Grade 2 Lesson: Surviving Storm Surge

Students build a paper house and flood it with water to see if the house they made can withstand the rising tide.

Grade K Lesson: Reach for the Skies

Students investigate shapes and material properties to build the highest structure they can.

Grade 1 Lesson: Daylight in a Bottle

Design a way to make an energy efficient light source.

Step Launcher (Challenge Video)

Design a way to launch a small ball off the floor so you can catch it.

Make Your Own Glue (Challenge Video)

Whip up a batch of glue and test it out.
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