STEM Activities

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Launch It!

Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a target at least 5 feet away. 

Make a Mechanical Hand

Students create a mechanical hand that mimics the bending and straightening of their own fingers and thumb.

Strongest Shapes

Students experiment with different shapes as they build a bridge out of index cards that will support a small object.

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An Egg-Citing Ride

How can you drop an egg without cracking it open?

Air-Powered Mini Rocket

How far can a model rocket fly on compressed air, if it's carrying 6 paper clips?

Air Train

Design a futuristic transportation device that will carry the most passengers across the room the fastest.

Air Push

Learn about air compression using a straw and a bag.

A Leg to Stand On

Experience the art of prosthetics by constructing a lower leg.

Clean It Up!

Try to make an effective water filtration system.

Engineer Girl

Meet woman engineers, enter contests, and learn about the many aspects of an engineering career.

Future City

An engineering competition for middle school students.


Learn math while competing.

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