STEM Activities

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Launch It!

Design and build an air-powered rocket that can hit a target at least 5 feet away. 

Make a Mechanical Hand

Students create a mechanical hand that mimics the bending and straightening of their own fingers and thumb.

Strongest Shapes

Students experiment with different shapes as they build a bridge out of index cards that will support a small object.

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Critical Load

Build a house of cards and see how much weight it can bear before it collapses.

Pen Factory!

Think like an industrial engineer as you design a pen assembly line.

Soundproof Box

Build a box that is as soundproof as possible

Solar-Heated Water

How hot can you get water with a solar heater you design yourself?

Soap Boat

Experiment with how different soaps move a cardboard boat across the water.

Slip Sliding Away

Why do some things slide faster and farther than others?

Slinky Science

What can a Slinky teach you about physics?


Make your own slime, a squishy gel that's fun to play with.

Siphon Pump

Can you make water flow up a tube against gravity?

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