Messages Matter

DiscoverE conducted a year-long research project to find out what today’s teens and their parents think about engineering.

  • How they view engineering and a potential career in STEM
  • What resonates and motivates them to consider engineering

Download the Executive Summary to find out the best ways to reach teens and their influencers when developing targeted messages.

Girl Day grantee photo of girls with Girl Day certificates

Social Media Promotional Resources

*We recommend using the four graphics in a carousel format for maximum impact.

Promotional Language

Sample posts:

  • Looking for effective messages that will inspire future #Engineers and #STEM professionals? @DiscoverEorg conducted a year long research study with students and parents to find out. Get the full report at  #MessagesMatter
  • Download the new Messages Matter Executive Summary at and learn how to increase student interest in engineering @DiscoverEorg #MessagesMatter
  • Parents and #STEM Professionals have a lot to do with how students perceive and understand #WhatEngineersDo! Join @DiscoverEorg in #CreatingTheFuture by sharing inspiring messages. Get the full report for specific targeted information!

Modify for your newsletters, blogs and other communications to spread the word:

The new Messages Matter Research Report is now available. DiscoverE set out to discover what today’s teens and parents think about engineering. Download the Executive Summary and gain insights into students and their parents’ views on engineering, career influencers and aspirations, considerations you can use when developing targeted communications (including top-rated messages and engineering profiles), and recommendations for how we can work together to broaden participation in engineering. Visit for more information.

The funding for Messages Matter was provided by: